Various scanned documents and links to sites providing DeLorean repair, maintenance and technical information.
Useful Documents
I've scanned in many of the service and engine manuals I use to work on the DeLorean. I keep copies on my mobile devices (synced through DropBox) so that if my car ever breaks down I have everything I need to diagnose the problem on hand. All of them are available here for download. I highly recommend purchasing reproduction manuals from DeLorean vendors, both to support the vendors and because the physical manuals can often be useful (say, so you don't get oil all over your device).
The files I've scanned personally were created with a Fujitsu ScanSnap document scanner as PDFs, and have been OCR'ed with the FineReader. This means that you can search the files for specific information you may be looking for. Since OCR isn't perfect, the files have invisible text overlaid on top of the original scanned images, so what you see on the page will always be the original, accurate information. Files that I have not scanned myself are generally not searchable. The searchable documents are marked as such below.
Original DeLorean Documentation
These manuals are available in printed form from DeLorean vendors, and it is strongly recommended you buy physical copies from them as well, if for no reason other than to support the vendors.
DeLorean Workshop Manual
The factory service manual detailing how to repair the car. Searchable.DeLorean Parts Manual
Exploded diagrams of the entire vehicle. This was originally downloaded from DMCNews.com, and is a zipped series of PDFs. Not searchable.DeLorean Technical Information Manual
More detailed information about how various systems work and how to diagnose problems with them. Searchable. These are also available from DMCNews.com.DeLorean Bulletins
Complete list of recall and service bulletins. Searchable.
Assorted DeLorean Documentation
These are scans of documents from vendors covering specific repair procedures.
Angle Drive Installation Instructions
Included with newly purchased angle drives from DeLorean.comDeLorean.com Fuel Sender Installation Instructions
Included with the now-discontinued fuel sender from DeLorean.comDeLorean.com Door Strut Replacement Instructions
Included with new door struts from DeLorean.com.Extended Convex Heated Side Mirrors
Included with the mirrors from Deloreana.com.
Community Resources
These are diagrams and other information provided by the community. Where possible I've linked to the original documents, but in some cases I wasn't able to find the source.
Parts Crossover List
Commonly-available parts from other vehicles that can be used to repair the DeLorean, on DMCTalk.org.Bulkhead Connectors Pinout Diagram
From the Long Island - New York DeLorean Motor Club.Colored Wiring Diagrams
Color versions of the DeLorean's wiring diagrams, which are much easier to read than the black and white diagrams in the Workshop Manual, as posted on DMCTalk.org.Lucas Standard Wire Colors
The DeLorean's wiring is based on Lucas' color standards. It's not an exact match, but this is a pretty useful guide nonetheless.Fuel Routing Diagrams (A, B and C)
I'm pretty sure I originally got these from DMCTalk.org, but I can't find the original threads anymore.Vacuum Routing Digram
I forget where I got this; I believe it is a cleaned-up scan from the Workshop Manual.RPM Relay Jumper
Jumping the RPM relay socket allows you to run the fuel pump manually, which is useful for various diagnostics and in the case of RPM relay failure. From SpecialTAuto.com.Helpful Technical Photos
A thread of photos on DCMTalk.org showing where things are and what they look like.Original Owners Handbook
From DMCNews.com.
Be sure to check out the forums at DMCTalk.org, DMCHelp.com, DMCToday.com, and the DeLorean Mailing List, hosted through Yahoo Groups by DMCNews.com. I ask a lot of questions on DMCTalk in particular, and the community at all of these are very helpful. These sites often have links to many other resources, such as those found in the DMCTalk.org Resources sub-forum, and the DMCNews.com Technical Info pages.
There is also the DeLorean Tech Wiki, a wiki I started a while ago in an attempt to provide a clearinghouse of technical and repair information in one place. It's stagnated some, but it is still a useful reference.
PRV Engine and K-Jet Fuel System
The DeLorean features an odd-fire 130 HP PRV engine officially designated as the B28F engine ("B" for gasoline, "28" for 2.8L displacement, "F" for fuel injected) engine with a Bosch K-Jet fuel injection system. The engine was built as a partnership between Peugeot, Renault and Volvo (hence the name). These manuals often contain photographs in addition to diagrams, which can make it easier to visualize what you're working on.
Volvo B27/B28 Repair and Maintenance Manual
Details on disassembling and re-assembling a DeLorean engine. Searchable.Volve B27/B28 Repair and Maintenance Manual, Engine Reconditioning
Detailed information on reconditioning a DeLorean engine. Searchable.Volvo B27/B28 Repairs and Maintenance Manual, CI Fuel System
Information on maintaining K-Ket constant injection (CI) fuel system used in the DeLorean. Searchable.Bosch K-Jet Fuel Injection Manual
Detailed information about how the DeLorean's fuel injection system works. Originally from DMCNews.com; not searchable.
Renault Automatic Transmission Manual
About one third of DeLoreans came with automatic transmissions, specifically the Renault 4141. Section G of the DeLorean Workshop Manual covers this, but Renault also has their own manuals. The Renault MR125 manual covers the the 4139 and 4141 automatics, and includes numerous diagrams to help with rebuilds.
Renault 4141 Service Manual, 1977, English Edition
Complete automatic transmission workshop manual from 1977. Searchable.Renault T.A. 4141, 1984, German Edition
Complete automatic transmission workshop manual from 1984. German language only. Searchable.Renault MR215 4139-4141 Automatic Transmission Shop Manual
Detailed information for repairing the automatic transmission. Searchable.Renault MR215 IS Note
A supplemental note for the MR215 manual. Searchable.
3.0L Engine Manuals
The 1989 Eagle Premier (later rebranded as the 1990-1992 Dodge Monaco when Dodge bought Eagle) use a 3.0L version of the PRV used in the DeLorean. This engine features 160 HP, electronic fuel injection (and thus has modern fuel rails, making conversion to EFI easier than the stock 2.8L model) and a larger displacement, and a decade of design improvements over the model in the DeLorean. It is also fairly easy to come by, and inexpensive (less than $400).
This is considered the easiest of the DeLorean engine swaps. It is not trivial, however: you need to swap the lower crankcase from a 2.8L engine to the 3.0L so that the engine mounts line up properly, and you need to set up your own spark and electronic fuel injection system, as the DeLorean's ignition system and K-Jet fuel injection won't work in this configuration (K-Jet might, but everyone who does this goes to EFI instead). You also have to build a new wiring harness to connect it to the DeLorean's systems. However, it bolts directly to the transmission and sits easily in the engine bay, without the need to craft adaptor plates or modify the frame.
Premier/Monaco 3.0L Engine Overhaul Student Reference Book
Contrary to the use of the word "student" in the title, this is a detailed manual describing how to work on a 3.0L engine. The engine is similar enough to the 2.8L model that the B28F manuals can also be used as reference in many cases. Searchable.1990 Premier/Monaco Service Manual
Scans from a well-worn service manual I bought of eBay for $8. Very handy when trying to figure out what the sensors and fuel system components of the engine are, as they are not covered in the engine overhaul manual. It also contains engine information not found int he Student Reference Book, such as information about the hydraulic tappets. Searchable.
Non-DeLorean Manuals
Other manuals for other cars. Not related to the DeLorean.
Alfa Romeo Milano 2.5L and 3.0L V6 Workshop Manual
Full workshop manual. Searchable.
Alternate Links
Some people have had problems with the DropBox links, so I’ve also updated the DeLorean manuals to archive.org:
Tools I Use
You will need certain tools when doing any car repairs. Some of these are pretty obvious, but others are a bit more esoteric. I've cataloged what I use and why I use them. These may not be the ideal tools, but they worked for me.