Joe’s Projects is a collection of electronics, automotive, and other projects featuring work on my DeLorean, hobbyist electronics, and the custom software development that supports them both.
Each page includes significant detail, often including instructions, 3D printable models and source code so you can do it yourself.
Look around and find something you like!
The DeLorean
Repairs, Maintenance & Modifications
My DeLorean needs a lot of maintenance, in addition to the various modifications I’ve done over the years. This ranges from the mundane to major overhauls and custom modifications.
I also provide various DeLorean resources, such as scanned, searchable PDF versions of the workshop manuals, and some of the tools I've found useful while working on the car.
Electronics, Gadgets & Tinkering
Various hobby electronics projects, such as building a CPU meter, constructing a large ring-shaped desk, building an Indiana Jones-inspired coat hanger, welding, programming, and more. There are also some other random things here, like my toy collection and my computer history.
Odds & Ends
Dog-friendly hiking trails near where I live in southern Massachusetts.
Legacy Site
Content from my old site, featuring my old Lightwave plug-ins and graphics.